Friday, November 20, 2009

What is the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction?

If you put a rat in a cage, and you teach it that it will get a pellet every time it taps a lever, or it will get a food pellet if it taps a lever a known number of times, it will spend all day tapping the lever. If it has to tap the lever too many times, or it can't predict how many times it has to tap the lever before it will get a food pellet, it will give up. Even a rat has the sense to know when it is or isn't being treated fairly. If you like your job and you feel you are getting treated fairly, or you feel some sense of personal fulfillment or reward, you will have a higher sense of satisfaction.

What is the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction?
If I am enjoying my job and gettng satisfaction from doing it then I will be motivated to develop that carreer further.

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