Friday, November 20, 2009

How do you define Job Satisfaction?

1) Locational advantage

2) Good office/work place ambience

3) Treatment meted out to you by the organisation

4) Congenial relationship with your boss/colleagues

5) Scope for promotions

6) Appropriate salary

7) Scope for your value addition to the job that you do

All these seven parmeters contibute to your job satisfaction. Am I right?

How do you define Job Satisfaction?
Simple, looking forward to work each day and enjoying it while youre there.
Reply:All correct.
Reply:8)Enjoying what you do

9)Knowing you have done something really efficient or productive

10)Not being bored by repetitive tasks

11)Finding new challenges exciting

12)Having a decent amount of holidays
Reply:After personal experience, I can safely say that job satisfaction is a job where you are happy in doing. Each person is different so each of us have different factors in deciding how happy they are at a job. With the factors above, I would say 1, 3 and 4 as being the most important with 2 and 5 coming in close second. As for salary, I would rather do a job that I love for low pay, than a high paid job which leaves me feeling suicidal.
Reply:Mine is just not wanting to kill myself at the end of the day
Reply:Job satisfaction can be defined as when you're doing a job that you love with a passion; a job that is in line with your talent will always bring out the best of your potential.
Reply:Job satifaction to me is doing a job I love with a passion if you love your job with a passion there is no problem. All you write above helps of course it does but if you do not love what you do what is the point doing something you do not like makes your day miserable. If you are miserable you are less productive, will not get promotion,doubt you will enjoy your fellow workers,salery may reflect by poor performance and so on.
Reply:You forgot a few

Blo.w jobs over lunch

Big expense account (that you can spend on booze and hookers)

season tickets to you favorite sporting event

Add those three and you got the top ten!
Reply:when you retire for the night without thinking oh dear (another work day tomorrow )
Reply:This is answer not a question
Reply:Job Satisfaction: When seeking a new job is not in your thoughts.
Reply:yep- wow that was really easy....thanx.
Reply:if you have to ask, you're not satified
Reply:I also like it when my boss says nice job. It is always nice to hear the positives, and not always the negatives.
Reply:You're partly right - pity you can't spell. The touchstone is quite simple: do you look forward to going to work each day?
Reply:you missed getting up in the morning without moaning that you have to go to work! but the others are right!

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