Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is the key to happiness and satisfaction ?

We keep trying and trying.. thinking.. finding ways and methods to be positive.. but somehow just end up becoming sad due to something... or hurt due to some incident or problem...

this means.. we still r going the wrong way...

what is the way/key/ method to be happy NO MATTER WHAT ??

thnx for answering and starring :)

What is the key to happiness and satisfaction ?
¨If someone had seen our faces on the journey from Auschwitz to a Bavarian camp as we beheld the mountains of Salzburg with their summits glowing in the sunset, through the little barred windows of the prison carriage, he would never have believed that those faces were the faces of men who had given up hope of life and liberty. Despite that factor, or maybe because of it…we were carried away by nature’s beauty, which we had missed so long…..then, after minutes of moving silence, one prisoner said to another, “How beautiful the world can be"....

-- Viktor Frankl.

A universal key to happiness would be hard to find because there are billions of people on earth, and each one of them is very unique. Each one of their circumstances and the opportunities they are faced with has never been, or never will be repeated. Not to mention the people who were alive throughout all of human history. Each one of their lives is a story to be told. When we try to force on to humanity an artificial construct of happiness through a political system, it is bound to neglect the individuality of a person. And we saw that with Communism and Fascism alike.

That is why a general rule to summarize the aspirations, hopes and dreams of all these innumerable but unique individuals, living or dead, must be something that is at the core of what it is to be human. It must be decisive and powerful, cross-cultural, cross-generational, and universal, because the search for happiness has motivated human behavior since the begining of history. But at the same time, it must be as naural as a fish breathing water, it can´t be artificial.

What meets all of these requirements is love. . Once recognized, it can soften the hardest of hearts. Love can motivate people to suffer. A suffering can be completely senseless, or it can be the highest of human achievements if it is given a meaning by love. It is a spark that can turn a hopless situation into a worthy struggle in an instant. And the expression of love is a smile. It is a also universally recognized. The first smile we all saw was from our mother, and it was imprinted into us from the first months of life to signify loving provience.

So what is love, to give so much life to humanity, and to shape the course of so many human lives? What is love, to pick humanity up from the dirt, chaos, agression, and hopelesness of the world, to give meaning to an individual´s life, no matter how unique that life is - as if it understood the needs of every single person on earth! As if it was able to manifest itself through any means it chose, like through the actions of a good samaritan, or a beautiful scenery. What is Love, then, if not God himself? What is the key to happiness that is above all human suffering, if not a loving God.

Reply:The way/key/method is to not expect, want or crave to be happy no matter what. It is this urgent wanting that causes us suffering. Of course, nobody likes feeling sad or hurt. But even those who ARE on the right way, may feel sad or hurt occasionally. Even among those who have progressed very far on the spiritual path - illnesses of a painful kind may happen. The key is in learning to view it as par for the course - to be firmly aware of what IS rather than craving and wanting what is NOT.

So - know a sad mind as a sad mind and a happy mind as a happy mind and an equanimous mind as an equanimous mind. Understand that these mind states have arisen from conditions, that they are impermanent and impersonal - they are not emanating from a fixed self called "me". When we crave happy states and push away sad states - we are doing nothing about the underlying conditions for these states (those are in the past). Worse, we are adding new layers of expectation and dissatisfaction - seeds for future misery.

If you adopt that light touch towards all mind states - not clinging to the happy states or pushing away the sad states (because really, they are just happening - they are not controllable) - your mind will clear up with time and you'll feel a lot more peaceful.

A very nice excerpt from the Buddha's teachings here - and relavnt to your question:
Reply:The Key , to happiness and Satisfaction, Is to know, the Lord first, Include Him in your Life.Then we move from there, Stick with your Love one's, no matter what life bring, appreaciate the one s around you, life has is ups' and down's, and it is not a bell of roses, all of the time, but we can sure try to be happy, with all of what we have and the things we do. , It's a constant Battle year around, follow your heart and the mind will come along for the ride... It Matters , not what a person is Born, but who they Choose to be, and what ever that goal is Shoot for it, with respect, and dignity, and not taking advantage of others and our way to Achieved it, is been happy, on your own expense, and, caring, and supporting, others, some times we are happy, it is realy, a lot, of things, that makes me happy ,and thankful, just knowing, that ia,m alive and are able to enjoy the beauty, of God creation, and see people coming and going, about they every day life,, and then is problems and storms around the corner, with love one's, and close friends, every human beings has a time in their lives, when saddness it the sack, so we face it, and don't worry because it will just make one's sick, , certain things some time is under our control, so we just let those things run is course, and we get strenght from the one's we love, and hold on to the other end of the rope, and don't let go until we make it,,,, Peace to all.
Reply:From my experience, I can only recommend spiritual practice of chanting the name of God, as a tool for gaining happiness, inner peace, bliss... Because in time, chanting purifies mind and blocks negative impressions from sub-conscious mind.

Only by overcoming negative impressions can we live better lives.

Just as we remove a thorn embedded in our foot or hand with a needle, so also we create a new impression to remove the defective ones. This powerful new impression is known as the devotion center. Any repeated thought or action forms an impression, which if reinforced becomes a center. A devotion center is created by repeating the name of God.

Reply:not seeking it ,and thinking u dont have it already!that is the misconception ,that u are doing something wrong or maybe there is a formula because things just arnt working a certain way not is not a box of chocolates! and in order to be a part of it u need to feel happy sad miserable excited hopless love pain hate ect. ect. u cant just be happy all the time that is a delusion, and if u see ppl like that u know they are hiding something hint...this isnt a perfect world so why would there be a perfect philosophy or answer there isnt one ,u cant just be happy thats just once sided, u know what type of person u would look like if u were happy all the time ? (A ROBOT)it takes all kinds of emotions ,how do u know happy is really happy, its just a human word we created the definition for it, what if when u were happy u were sad?u don't know we just labeled it this way it doesn't mean u are happy maybe you're slightly to moderate happy with a hint of anger???u need to expierce everything and every feeling ,what u are asking is how do i stay one sided?, and oblivious to everything in life that is unfair or real and how can i stay delusional to this...i wont be the first or last to tell u yeah life can suck(u know already) but in order to experience the whole u need to experience all emotians equally to much of anyone will imbalance you
Reply:Have things, like things you can resort to that are ALWAYS going to be there. Like your bed, the ability to meditiate, think of things that make you laugh. So if you have had a real terrible week for example and all your friends and family are on your case, your dog died, you stuffed up some exams and the teachers arent making it any easier and you just feel like you want to die, instead remember that you have your place- your controlled circle. Can be anything. Running, painting, the Internet if it helps! Being somewhere, doing something where you are in total control. Except for dieting. NEVER do that, that's just entering Eating Disorder land. Otherwise, feel free to be happy with whatever mathod seems appropriate for you.
Reply:oftentimes, we view happiness as a goal or an end that we try to seek or pursue. we do things, think of things, or say things that we think would make us happy. we strive for happiness because we dont want to be in the state of unhappiness (an emotional state wherein we dont feel good). how we define and see happiness is important. what makes you happy? what brings you happiness? sometimes, we tend to look for happiness in things, but the truth is: happiness is in us! when we see it as an end or as a goal, we tend to get preoccupied with the future outcome and overlook the present. when you define happiness as opposed to sadness/ loneliness, then you'll only get more frustrated because you have this pre-defined notion of happiness as positive and sadness as negative.

my point is, dont seek happiness. dont seek satisfaction. the best thing to do? learn to be grateful of the blessings that you have right now - your life, your parents, your friends, your work, your clothes, your shoes, etc. be thankful that you have enough and that you are safe and healthy compared to other people who are struggling day by day because of poverty, injustice and violence. learn to appreciate the simple things in life, and just be thankful. whatever problems that you encounter, whatever trials and hurdles you are going through in life, think of them as God's blessings, as moments when He wants you to learn new values or lessons in life. for me, happiness and satisfaction is a choice. it is everywhere and it is in the present. i hope you'll see things from a different light now and i do hope you make the right choice...
Reply:Have you heard of Maslow's heirarchy of needs? It's modeled by a pyramid--a person has to have the needs listed at the bottom of the pyramid before she can have her needs met on the upper levels.

As a person has her needs met, she becomes happier.

It is REALLY interesting and gives us something a little less abstract to think about.
Reply:Get a goal or mission in life and strive toward it and don't quit. When you achieve it or a significant portion of it, you will find satisfactions.

And, learn to invest time and effort in helping the people who come into your life.

To understand more about your "destiny" or mission or proper goals, you must get to know yourself. You are what you are with a purpose.

I suggest, along these lines, this:

Learn more about yourself. Go online, to Google, search for Personality Zone (one word), register and take the test for free. Get your four-letter personality/temperament designation (like, for example, INTJ) and then go, online again, to Wikipedia, and there search for the four letters--read about yourself and be amazed!

That's a a good start.
Reply:Well....i must say...its a great question... :)

I think thats again our expectations that hurt us....We expect a lot from our work that if we do not get that much results(due to any cause) we get hurt and we aren't satisfied for that...

So,i think....basic thing that everyone should learn is to keep their expectations in the limit of their dedication to work and never expect "more" than what they deserve....That would be the opinion from my part:)
Reply:Do things you love and stay with people you love. And don't dwell on anything that makes you sad or upset. Honestly I don't believe that you can be happy NO MATTER WHAT! Unhappiness is a part of life. Without it, would there really be happiness?
Reply:You just think up of things that you hate and flush away from your life and if you can't try to ignore that things and if you became sad then just bring a smile on your face .Be cool!!man .And don't take everything on your hart.Face the world and be confident.
Reply:To be honest, and this will sounds cliche, but the key to having a happy life is having a relationship with God.

Knowing that there is someone in control that has a definite plan for my life keeps me going.
Reply:This is probably the school of thought that lead to the creation of video games. Everyone loves to do things that they cannot possibly do in real life.
Reply:Key to happiness = not caring...really it works. Key to life = "reading %26amp; running"-will smith
Reply:Be contented of what you are and be simply as what you are..that is the key of happiness and satisfaction in life",
Reply:You need to heard what is your heart telling... that's all if you don't do any lies to your heart that means you never worry about any thing because u haven't any thing to worry

Guide from:
Reply:Answer is that when you stop looking for happiness and satisfaction. explains vicious circle...
Reply:I think what you really need is some of that chronic in yo life...pass the dutchie haha! That will put u in the sky 4 SHO!! YEAAA!!
Reply:Be even-minded, considering sad and happiness equally..

Then your mind is balanced and get into action, you are guided by the CALM mind
Reply:you just need to know God..

the key to have a happiness and satisfaction

is to receive him as Christ and Savior
Reply:To listen your heart , other things are objective things we have to do in life, at least this is what i have understood.
Reply:Smiling always helps

I started forcing myself to smile and my whole life literally changed. When I force it it sub-consciously makes me happier
Reply:Stop rat race------remain happy what you have or get
Reply:Please watch the first 20 minutes of "The Secret" By Rhonda Byrnes on Youtube. It changed my life!
Reply:dont let no one put you down and always smile no matter what ,things will eventually workout.
Reply:be giving without expectations,just as mother ,mother earth,
Reply:Attention to what is now, without filtering it through past or future illusions.
Reply:There is no magic answer. Sorry:( Live for yourself and stop looking and it usally falls in your lap
Reply:DO what you want to do!Just do what you wish and dream
Reply:Do what you like --Like what you do---LIFE IS GOOD!

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