Friday, November 20, 2009

What in your life has brought or given you the greatest satisfaction or fulfillment? Looking back, what?

would you have done differently? What would you do again?

What in your life has brought or given you the greatest satisfaction or fulfillment? Looking back, what?
Having my children - and in turn, my children having THEIR children...........sheer pleasure!!
Reply:Being with nature. Laughing and playing with them, being close, enjoying intellectual discussions together, games...mostly laughing and smiling together over silly things...I wish there were more times like those...A LOT MORE :[
Reply:meeting my boyfriend,

he's my love, and he filles my life with joy...
Reply:My family. Everyone from my mum to my brother and even my conscience and his folk in my head! I love them and they love me too and it just makes me so happy and fufillied to please and be there for them. I LOVE them so! But I almost forgot God I love him and I want him to ake me a better person.
Reply:my two changes
Reply:greatest satisfaction..............prooving everyone wrong.
Reply:Listened to my parents. I would have gotten a lot further in life a lot faster and not have so many things to remember and regret now.
Reply:my kids have given me all the fulfillment i could ever need,,even the naughty ones have their moments, but my greatest moment was when my youngest daughter (10 mths) decided to arrive in a hurry, i was the midwife/husband, and i still get a high from the memory now.

btw,, i wouldnt change a thing, exept to marry my 3rd wife first and cut out a lot of s h i t
Reply:Helping others in need. Either financially, physically or emotionally.
Reply:Music. I spent over 20+ years involved in it. Even though I no longer an involved with it, it has influenced my life in ways that I can't begin to calculate!
Reply:Gone to the bedside of my dying mother before I did. Listened to her cry for help and gone no matter what. But I did make it there, therefore it gave me great satisfaction that I was there at the moment of her death holding her hands and kissing your cheek.
Reply:Leaving the UK and moving to China.
Reply:We all should learn from our mistakes or difficulties and grow from them. I wouldn't change a thing because they made me who I am today. The greatest fulfillment would be knowing about God even though many are unfortunate enough not to.
Reply:I got a degree in philosophy. I would do it again, but I would not choose to work in the field of medicine.
Reply:The day I told my father I never wanted to see him again.
Reply:Out of all the other stuff, I have to say the kid.

Wouldn't have done too much differently, and I'd do it all again, rough as it got.
Reply:I don't have any kids yet but what has given me the most satisfaction in life is art in all its popular forms.Nothing like a great film or piece of music to transport you to another time and place and make you forget your troubles.The same is true of books.They got me through some tough times in my 20's and still do now.I've lived with biploar disorder since I was 17 and would change that since it stopped me going to college and pursuing a normal career path.I would keep the friends I've made and especially the ones that I have now.
Reply:my son has but looking back i would not have got pregnant.
Reply:Watching my daughter come into this world healthy and contented. Also the unconditional love in her eyes and her voice whenever we are together and we talk about her life. (She is four years old now)
Reply:Me and 124 other guys used to take a nuclear submarine out of Groton, Connecticut dive down and stay submerged up to 89 days straight. It was the Cold War and we did our best to see that the world never turned into a ICBM play field.

It worked.

I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Reply:Kids, a cliche i know, but they do put everything in perspective!
Reply:achieving my qualifications~ Im very goal orientated and being educated meant independence to me
Reply:I would do everything different.

Except, I would hook up with my wife again, but I wouldn't have married her.

At the same time, marring her is what gave me the most fulfillment in life.
Reply:Jesus has fulfilled me completely . i wish i would have accepted him as Lord much earlier in life .
Reply:Having my son was a great fulfilment! I would have had him earlier in my life!! I would love to have another child but I feel I'm now to old!
Reply:being grateful that i am alive.
Reply:I would have to say raising my mentally handicapped child. He taught me how to be patient, and to have compassion, and showed me that everyone is unique. Yes, I would do it again.
Reply:Getting here.
Reply:i wouldn't change anything but it sound wierd but my daughter sleaping on my chest all night didn't want to wake her but i couldn't sleap as she groaned every now and then which kept me awake

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