Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is there any documented connection between job satisfaction and proficiency?

I am in the process of writing an essay for grad school. I feel that the more you enjoy your job the better you will perform.

Is there any documented connection between job satisfaction and proficiency?
while there may be a correlation of this among some individuals, it's not likely that it's a causal relationship.

here's a link with some good points right on topic:


beyond this, i did an online review of the literature available at Cornell (still have access to do searches), and the correlations are strongest for job satisfaction relative to performance appraisals. basically, if people think you are doing well, you like your job. satisfaction doesn't seem to link as strongly with the actual work done as much as the perception of the actual work done.

given that you'd probably like your job more if you only had to work one or two days a week, but your performance would clearly decrease in total work done, you may consider changing your thesis.

pulling teeth

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