Monday, April 26, 2010

Why are there so many busy bodies on this site whose only satisfaction in life seems to be reporting others?

Is this becoming a cottage industry? I hate to block people, but this seems to be the only defense against them for frivolous complaints.

Why are there so many busy bodies on this site whose only satisfaction in life seems to be reporting others?
Keep on truckin'!

I need some more jokes, funny man! If they suspend you, I'll create your next account.
Reply:A new breed of terrorists!
Reply:You must be conservative. If they don't like your answers...
Reply:I knoooow!!! They're the killjoy of Yahoo! Answers!!!!
Reply:Exactly, some **** stain reported me when I said Bush is a dong
Reply:some people just love to piss people off cuz they're pathetic like that. don't let people like that bother you hun
Reply:They are mean-spirited people who do it because they can - No one to holds them accountable.

Reply:omg, i hate that.

people were reporting my questions/answers when there was nothing wrong with them!!!!
Reply:because people are nosy and stupid. those people are the ones who brought an apple for every teacher even the ones they hated because they were kiss-ups.
Reply:I think they might do it to get more points and to point out OTHERS mistakes instead of their own gives them a sense of pride in what they are,which is sad because you shouldn't have to point out on others to be happy.
Reply:Sorry this world is full of people that want to ruin a good thing!

To keep the lines open our only resource is to block them. Have a wonderful Holiday!
Reply:lol...i was wondering the same thing..people need to relax
Reply:because they are low lifes with no life and have nothing better do to than to get on p%26amp;s and report ppl...I blocked alot of ppl last night because all of my q's were getting reported
Reply:i no!!!

they kill the site!!!!
Reply:Annoying isn't it ?
Reply:Dear Pot,

Stop calling me black.


Reply:I totally agree! I mean we aren't like Kindergarteners that have to tattle on everything! I mean some of those whackjobs Report even if you say something meaningless like hell. If it comes to be a larger problem, contact the Yahoo!Answers Community. It is truely annoying, And I totally agree.
Reply:don't forget that they are the same people that help the cops find the real killer. powerless, no life, nosey, bored snoops. the same kind of people who send a virus to kill computers. because they can. the same ones who would complain if they took the site off the net.

PEople, it is just a game, where sometimes you get real answers and have a different kind of fun. GAmmmmme! Duh.

how do you know who to block?
Reply:Yeap pretty annoying.

probably yahoo should have different sections for different age groups
Reply:I know what u mean i hate that too :(
Reply:It's a "Scrooge Conspiracy!"

They should lighten-up!

We are here, but for an instant in time ... we should aspire to more congenial interaction! x) ... ("The Bunny Philosophy!")



(")_(") HOPPY HOLIDAYS to everybody! x)


pulling teeth

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