They actually go hand in hand. If you are satisfied with your job and do not make much money, eventually you will not be satisfied. If you make a lot of money and are not satisfied with you job, then you will eventually get miserable and look elsewhere - perhaps settling for a job with less money. Money has the tendency to make some jobs more satisfying. Lack of money can make even good jobs less satisfying. You actually need a good mix.
Is money more important to you than job satisfaction ?
I'm afraid it is becoming so. I have been exploited by my employing organisation for years now - I work far beyond my job description and put in hours and hours of unpaid overtime, and I keep getting told 'this is a vocation, money is not the motivation'
and I'm just starting to think 'Bullshit!'
Reply:Absolutely not. Happiness is everything. We spend enough of our lives in the workplace so it should be a happy and healthy environment. I left a career where I was earning almost €35k a year cos I had enough of it. In my new career I will only earn between €15-20k a year if I am lucky. Security in a job is also important. Once some money is coming in. It's easy to make handy money to boost your income if need be and often by doing things you enjoy.
Reply:i don't really like to admit it, but yes. job satisfaction doesn't pay the bills and keep a roof over my kids' heads.
Reply:I dont want to sound greedy but the only thing that could me ake me happy is shopping and that = money!!
Reply:They should both be equally important
Reply:in an ideal world no but in this world we need the money and sometimes have to sacrifice job satisfaction for the green stuff.
Reply:Money is a short term motivator as regards productivity, yet it is still the number 1 priority of everyone who works, or else we would be living in a plastic bag on a jamaican beach.
It is a matter, as is so much in life, of balance. great job, but can't pay the mortgage? Poor job, but 6 foreign holidays a year, company Porsche, aircraft and motoryacht?
Both would be great for a short time, yet somewhere between the two examples would be better.
Reply:if i like the job...then the job...if not...then the money.....
Reply:As I have what I would consider a "job" and not a "career", money is sadly more important to me!
Reply:No! It wouldn't matter how much money I was earning, if I wasn't enjoying my job, I wouldn't be able to stand it. I've always hated working for other people and 3 years ago I started my own business, and I'm really happy. I've never looked forward to going to work before!
Reply:No, that's why I've always been happy but poor!
Reply:Oh no.. I need to be happy in my job.
I have left jobs with better money for ones that I am happier in
Reply:No, I used to have a much higher paid job, but I'm much happier where I am now.
Reply:Job satisfaction I suppose. But it really sucks to have neither.
Reply:It is hard to pay the gas/electric company with 'job satisfaction" and the food store won't take 'job satisfaction' in trade. So money is number one.
buck teeth
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