Monday, May 4, 2009

Why do we get a sense of satisfaction from revenge?

Maybe not so much in real life, but when we watch TV or movies, why do we get such a sense of satisfaction when we see the hero get his revenge, especially if the villain is really evil/bad?

Why do we get a sense of satisfaction from revenge?
A lot of time we equate revenge with justice, if it is the "good" guy getting revenge.

We are told that justice will prevail, if not in this life, in the next one. We would much rather see it than have to wait for it.

When the "bad" guy gets revenge, we view that as an injustice.
Reply:Human's basic sense of security, proof of being able to feel strong and secure.

It is the psychological certainity that has been achieved that a good person(s) can finally prove that all injustices done to to him/them will be done in reverse, to the point it is clearly communicated that they would not be tolerated again and will be retaliated equally or more, often eliminating the threat completely.

And there is this other human nature of wanting to feel powerful and invincible that often wants and expects something bad to be done, only so that now there is a reason to hurt in return and prove that he/she/they are stronger. Kinda like, we want villains so that heroes can exist, villains have to do bad things so that heroes can do the same (similar in some cases, but not the same, when what villain did was morally wrong, like rape) but actually feel good about it. Irony, isn't it?
Reply:my guess is a sense of justice...
Reply:In real life, there is no satisfaction in revenge.

Movies and TV shows manipulate the viewers’ feelings and emotions. It’s just Hollywood exerting its’ control over the mind.
Reply:to achieve a sense of justice

but it won't make someone

happy in the end.

revenge isn't happiness it is

forgiveness to the person who

had offended you that can

make you happy.

those TV shows are bad

influence. in reality,

as long as you keep being

humble, you're showing to others

that you got good moral

and integrated

and you'll get a credit from the

heavens above!
Reply:Because it's a higher level than our previous state of hopelessness and powerlessness. Morally, it's probably the more virtuous thing to do to skip this step on the way back to happiness.
Reply:Actually, we like to see justice done. Revenge is an all-consuming thing which can destroy the life of the one wanting revenge. It ties your stomach up in knots and raises your blood pressure and does all sorts of things health-wise and it drives people away.

On the other hand, we love it when justice happens. When a guy who has it coming suddenly gets it, it's great. And it doesn't have to be on TV.

I was at a stoplight once and these three teenage boys suddenly piled on to the trunk of the car ahead of me. It was stupid. The light changed and that car ahead of me pulled out in spite of the boys on the trunk and ZAP, there was the cop car! And the police GOT the boy who was first on the trunk. That's justice.

Oh, and a boss and his chum who said (in my hearing) that this time they were going to hire a real looker to replace me got exactly what they asked for. She looked nice, couldn't spell, wouldn't proofread, and knew her union rights. They could not get rid of her. Justice.

I've seen justice happen enough times in my life, that I really don't go after revenge. I know God will eventually take notice of the cheats and scoundrels and give them what they deserve. I don't have to do a thing.
Reply:The moral and ethical equation has been balanced and all is as it should be in the world for right now.
Reply:Because often in life, you dont get revenge. You dont get to see the person that cut you off on the road get into a fight with his girlfriend and get slapped in the face. You don't get to see rapists get released from jail and get gunned down by boyfriends/husbands. You dont see the cheating wife get caught and punished by the husband divorcing and then winning the lottery.

TV and movies brings all this right to your front door. You get to see life as you WISH it could be, or as you think it SHOULD be. Sad truth is, life is tough, people lie, cheat and steal, and they WILL get away with it.
Reply:We feel good because the movie does not show us the real person, they only show us the amplified evil. They do not show the villain playing ball with his children. They do not show the bad guy bringing his mother out to dinner. It is not as satisfying in real life because as much as we try to deny it the person with whom we are unhappy is still a living breathing human who is someones son or daughter and or someones parent.
Reply:because then we let our enemies feel the same hurt they did to us. sometimes it cannot be expressed just with words, the best lesson is when such person will experience the same misery as you and me.
Reply:I do not believe in revenge for myself. I just get a bang out of people who are waiting for me to get my revenge. They are always disappointed.

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